Have you flinched from keeping flossing tools in the bathroom because you came across some article that said flossing isn’t the right dental practice? If so, then take a moment and think how are you supposed to keep the small spaces between the teeth clean? Brushing alone cannot help in achieving hundred percent results. Flossing thread is a savior and its benefits are more than just one.
What is
Flossing is an oral hygiene habit
that aims at cleaning and dislodging the food stuck between the teeth. This
helps in reducing plaque and bacteria in the oral region. Relying solely on
brushing will be detrimental to your dental health. So instead of a choice,
flossing has to be a part of your oral care.
What are the
5 good reasons to keep flossing?
By making flossing a priority you can get rid of the unwanted foreign particles that make space between your teeth. It could be some leftover piece of chicken or a spinach leaf that refuses to come out despite brushing. Some of the benefits of flossing are:
- Reduces risk of cavities: Tooth decay results in cavities! Though the process takes time, the more is the accumulation of plaque on your teeth, the chances of tooth enamel getting eroded gets increased, and hence the chances of cavities increases. Flossing can help in getting rid of hidden food particles and thus this minimizes the development of plaque and cavities.
- Prevents gum diseases: If gingivitis is untreated, it leads to periodontitis. By flossing, you can reduce the chances of developing gum diseases.
- Prevention of plaque: Excessive intake of sugar and sticky food items, smoking, alcohol consumption, etc leads to the formation of plaque which is a colorless sticky film formed between and around the teeth and gum line. Plaque can harden into tartar and result in gum diseases. By flossing regularly, you can prevent the accumulation of plaque.
- Reduces bad breath: Trapped food in the mouth gets decayed and is the major reason behind bad breath! To overcome the problem of halitosis (bad breath) flossing is a must.
- Prevents heart diseases: Good oral hygiene has a direct relationship
with a healthy heart. If plaque and bacteria enter your bloodstream, chances of
developing heart diseases increase. Flossing is an effective way of preventing
any such problem.
Visit www.desiredsmiles.com for more information on how to floss and its
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