Friday, July 9, 2021

Wisdom Tooth Extraction: 7 Facts You Need to Know

Wisdom tooth extraction is a typical oral procedure, however, nobody would want to anticipate experiencing it. Although, what if the dentist tells you that you need to get the wisdom tooth eliminated?

Wisdom Teeth Surgery Burlington

Here are 7 facts that you need to be acquainted with the procedure.

It is a common procedure

Statistics show that around 10 million molars are eliminated every year in the US. Wisdom tooth extraction is a process that involves the removal of the third molars present in the bottom and top part of the backside of your mouth. These molars are the final teeth set to erupt and it grows when you are around the age of 17-25.

A wisdom tooth can lead to oral health issues

Wisdom tooth development is not a terrible thing, however, it might become tricky when it begins to cause health issues. It might cause cysts, infections, tumors, and harm to nearby gums and teeth. It might inflict severe damage on essential organs like kidneys and heart when the infection is left undetected for a very long time.

Wisdom tooth extraction is tolerable

The process is typically performed through surgery, however, you need not be anxious since you will not feel any pain at all. You might need some local anesthesia, or general anesthesia according to your case difficulty.

It is wise to get rid of wisdom tooth as soon as possible

Professionals state that the ideal time to get rid of a wisdom tooth is while it hasn’t fully developed yet. The window is usually within your teen years and early twenties. The possibilities for complication are lower when your tooth is eliminated during this window.

Wisdom teeth issues can show no symptoms

You might Do not feel any swelling or pain in the backside of your mouth. However, this doesn’t mean that the wisdom tooth is trouble-free. In some cases, issues tend to develop without showing any clear symptoms or signs. The ideal way to hold off such issues is to get the wisdom teeth checked regularly.

Pain management is fun

Once the procedure is done, you might be expected to be on a smooth diet, one that includes yogurt, ice cream, and smoothies. Who would say no to such delicacies, right? Besides tasting your favourite food items, these cold foods can also help lessen swelling and bleeding. Your dentist might prescribe medication as well to help manage any discomfort and pain.

Easy ways to recover quickly

Recovery time depends on the case, however, you can recover quickly in just a couple of days. You just need to avoid strenuous exercises and smoking after your procedure. Also, you need to be less vigorous when it comes to bruising teeth near the wisdom tooth extraction part.

Dr. Heidary FamilyDentistry can help you with your wisdom tooth extraction and achieve a beautiful smile. They can do the procedure in their office with all the essential sedation options and recovery facilities.

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