Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Reasons To Replace Your Missing Tooth

Missing teeth can make you feel embarrassed or uncomfortable while conversing with your friends, co-workers or strangers. With many different advancements happening in the dental field, a missing tooth can be quickly fixed by getting treated under a dentist’s team who is known for providing dental bridge and dental implant-related services. 

The following is a set of reasons for the need to replace your missing teeth.

Avoid facing teeth shifting:

To keep teeth stable and lined up neatly, it is a must to replace the missing teeth by following any type of modern dentistry practice. Teeth shifting might happen when a particular set of teeth or one single tooth is said to be missing from its original position. You shall experience a quick change in terms of your bite that can further lead towards facing tooth decay or severe gum disease.

To get back your face aesthetics:

Other than your chewing habits, your overall facial aesthetics will change and make you look older than your actual age. Every other aspect related to your outer face gets realigned when missing teeth. By following a replacement procedure, your mouth shall stay healthy and let the bones get back to their original position to showcase the aesthetic beauty that you had before.

A missing tooth can bring various difficulties while eating or smiling in front of the public. If you are a business person then your smile does define your attitude more than your words.

Drs. Heidary and Ghoreshi Dental Group have been providing trustworthy cosmetic dentistry in Burlington for years. Our professional dentists can easily replace your missing tooth with dental implants.

To book a free consultation, visit www.desiredsmiles.com.

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